Glassman even goes on to claim that efforts by Congress to change the way we interrogate prisoners, not to mention the way we eavesdrop on American citizens without court ordered warrants, should not be tampered with nor even questioned, since these tactics are clearly working so well. Wayne Journal Gazette under the headline, “Tinker with Bush policy at our own risk.” Aside from the fact that the AEP can be counted on to publish self-serving interviews with its own people purporting to show plenty of “progress” in Iraq, the article is a fun read because it argues very simply that President Bush is obviously on the right tract because there have been no terrorist attacks on American soil since 9/11. Glassman of the American Enterprise Institute that ran recently in the Ft. I would particularly like to point to an article by James K. So I will try to focus what few brain cells survived and recovered from last Sunday night’s debacle on the issue at hand, which is how cause and effect arguments can easily be deceptive misleading, and worse. I slept well last night, ate well today, and managed to say a few words to my wife, so recovery is sight. However, with the Winter Olympics just around the bend, promising lots of theater and beautiful visual images, I’m starting to be able to get my mind around the things that really matter again.